Van De Graaff Generator Accelerator as an Instructional Media for Static Electricity

  • Kamila Zaharani
  • Frizavia Permata Ameillany
  • Muhammad Ihsanul Abid
  • Habibi Salam IAIN Ponorogo
  • Rahmi Faradisya Ekapti


Science consists of several scientific branches, one of which is
physics. Static electricity is one of the materials in the branch of
physics at class IX middle school level. Discussion of material
that tends to static electricity It is abstract, making it difficult to
understand, therefore, studying static electricity material requires
concrete efforts, wrong One way is to make learning props. The
aim of this research is to determine the Van De Graff accelerator
as a learning medium for static electricity. This research uses the
Rowntree research method . Rowntree's research model stages
consist of planning, development and evaluation stages. Based on
the results of the needs analysis discussion, it shows that 80% of
students need help in understanding Static Electricity material.
The design was prepared by listing the materials needed and
designing innovations by adding components in Van De Graff.
The results of the van de graff accelerator validation assessment
from material experts and media experts were 65%. It was
concluded that the van de graff accelerator was included in the
valid category or could be used but was necessary slight revision
to try. In this research, the validator provides an assessment in
the form of comments, suggestions and numerical assessments
of the product that has been developed. These suggestions will
be used as a basis for improving the Van De Graff accelerator
learning media.


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How to Cite
ZAHARANI, Kamila et al. Van De Graaff Generator Accelerator as an Instructional Media for Static Electricity. PISCES : Proceeding of Integrative Science Education Seminar, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 303-307, dec. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 dec. 2024.