Development of Collective Teaching Aids (Educational Learning Boxes) based on Education for Sustainable Development Climate Change Material for Class VII Middle School

  • Septina Haniatuz Zahrah IAIN PONOROGO
  • Nela Nur Fadila
  • Sela Sri Mulyani


Climate change has now become one of the problems that has a major influence on sustainable development. Efforts to preserve the environment are a responsibility and challenge for the young generation now and in the future. Education about understanding environmental problems for society is very important so that they are aware and can make good decisions for the environment and society. This research aims to produce teaching aids based on Education For Sustainability (ESD). The development of teaching aids as a learning resource uses the R&D (Research and Development) research method which is used to produce certain products and test the product's effectiveness. The development model used is ADDIE which includes analysis, design, development or production, implementation or delivery and evaluation. The instrument used in this research is an expert validation sheet for ESD teaching aids. Data analysis techniques consist of display analysis, quality analysis and ESD approach analysis. The percentage of feasibility test results for ESD-based climate change teaching aids by media experts and material experts obtained an average of 90% and 91% with very good criteria, so it can be concluded that the ESD-based teaching aids developed are suitable for use as a learning medium for participants educate.


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How to Cite
ZAHRAH, Septina Haniatuz; FADILA, Nela Nur; MULYANI, Sela Sri. Development of Collective Teaching Aids (Educational Learning Boxes) based on Education for Sustainable Development Climate Change Material for Class VII Middle School. PISCES : Proceeding of Integrative Science Education Seminar, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 211-218, dec. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.