Development Of CADITEKS (Carbon Dioxide Test Kit For Sustainability) As Interactive Green Technology Learning Media

  • Jamus Alma'ruf IAIN Ponorogo
  • Krisna Fitrianto Khoirul Alim IAIN Ponorogo
  • Ilham Yusuf Arifin IAIN Ponorogo
  • Rahmi Faradysa Ekapti IAIN Ponorogo



By 2023, air pollution is one of the world's problems. Even Indonesia is one of the top contributors to air pollution in the world. Air pollution in Indonesia is caused by CO2 gas emissions from coal and motor vehicles. Awareness of the dangers of air pollution has been taught to school students. However, the lack of innovative and fun learning media is one of the problems faced. Therefore, this study aims to develop learning media "CADITEKS: Carbon Dioxide Test Kit for Life Sustainability" on the material of environmentally friendly technology. This research is a development research with a modified 4D model which is converted into 3D, namely defining, designing, and developing. Defining includes formulating learning problems that are used as a reference for designing learning media. The design of learning media is adjusted to the basic competencies and learning objectives, where the CADITEKS components include CO2 detectors, combustion chambers, CO2 level indicators, and user manuals and work safety. At the development stage, product quality testing was carried out by validating one material expert and two media experts who obtained an average score of 88.46%, which indicates that CADITEKS is very valid or can be used without revision.



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How to Cite
ALMA'RUF, Jamus et al. Development Of CADITEKS (Carbon Dioxide Test Kit For Sustainability) As Interactive Green Technology Learning Media. PISCES : Proceeding of Integrative Science Education Seminar, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 375-381, dec. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 dec. 2024.