Preliminary Study: Potential of Watermelon Seed Waste (Citrullus Lanatus) for Production of Hair Tonic Spray

  • Kharisma Ika Nur'aini Iain Ponorogo
  • Fadila Nur Azyza IAIN PONOROGO
  • Muhammad Ihsanul Abid IAIN PONOROGO
  • Ulinnuha Nur Fauziah IAIN PONOROGO


Hair is everyone's crown, but many people experience hair damage problems such as hair loss and baldness.Restoring hair health requires proper nutrition. Therefore, watermelon seeds are used as an ingredient, because they contain magnesium, phosphorus and zinc which can overcome damage and lengthen hair. The resulting innovation is a hair tonic spray, with the aim of finding out the effectiveness and duration of the results.Making hair tonic spray from 200 grams of ground watermelon seeds and mixed with 750 mL of n- hexane. Then boil it until it settles and changes color to clear. Leave for 3 days, then filter and add 50 mL olive oil.The hair tonic spray test was tested on 3 mice, then their fur was shaved. Spray hair tonic spray for 5 consecutive days with a ratio of 2 sprays a day, sprayed 1 time a day, and not sprayed at all. The result was that mice that were sprayed twice a day for 5 days grew thicker than before, compared to those that were sprayed once a day and those that were not sprayed at all. It was concluded that watermelon


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How to Cite
NUR'AINI, Kharisma Ika et al. Preliminary Study: Potential of Watermelon Seed Waste (Citrullus Lanatus) for Production of Hair Tonic Spray. PISCES : Proceeding of Integrative Science Education Seminar, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 186-195, dec. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 jan. 2025.