Development of Google Sites-Based Learning Media in Improving Writing Skills on Da'wah, Ceramah, and Tablig Materials in Class XI of Vocational High Schools
The first revelation of surah Al Alaq verses 1-5 which commands to read and write, means that the educational process cannot be separated from reading and writing activities. However, it is still often found that students lack skills in writing. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the development of learning media based on google sites in improving students' writing skills. The research used in this study is Research and Development. By using the development method that refers to the 4D model. The subjects used in this study were students of class XI of one of the vocational schools in Dolopo sub-district Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that: 1) Validation in terms of design and features showed a very good predicate of 95.83% and for material validation also showed a very good predicate of 90.62%. 2) In terms of practicality in a limited manner, the results obtained were 95.95% while in a broader manner the results obtained were 89.85% so that the product was declared very practical. 3) The results of the effectiveness analysis show that this product is effective in improving students' writing skills.
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