Mie Laku Lur: Chicken Eggshell Fortified Pumpkin Noodles as an Effort To Improve The Quality of Indonesian Food

  • Anisatul Munawaroh IAIN Ponorogo
  • Emi Zulfa Faridah IAIN Ponorogo
  • Firdaus Budi Raharjo IAIN Ponorogo


Indonesia as one of the agricultural countries in the world has vast agricultural land and abundant yields. This can encourage food diversification efforts through the use of more nutritious local food ingredients. Pumpkin can add nutritional values such as fiber, beta carotene, and various types of minerals that are not owned by flour-based noodles in general. Noodle dough usually uses eggs as a developer that has calcium value. Egg shells, often just thrown away, also have the potential as a noodle fortification ingredient because they contain high calcium and are beneficial in bone health. Considering the nutritional value and benefits of pumpkin and eggshell for the health of the body, it is necessary to innovate the processing of these materials. This study aims to make pumpkin noodles fortified with chicken eggshells as a nutritious and functional food alternative and to reduce the amount of wheat flour and eggshell waste. This research used descriptive quantitative method through organoleptic test questionnaire with scale range 1-4 and shelf life test. The results showed that chicken eggshell fortified pumpkin noodles had a shelf life of approximately 10 days, while the organoleptic test results showed that people could consume and accept it to improve food quality.


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How to Cite
MUNAWAROH, Anisatul; FARIDAH, Emi Zulfa; RAHARJO, Firdaus Budi. Mie Laku Lur: Chicken Eggshell Fortified Pumpkin Noodles as an Effort To Improve The Quality of Indonesian Food. PISCES : Proceeding of Integrative Science Education Seminar, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 243-253, dec. 2023. Available at: <https://prosiding.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/pisces/article/view/1075>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.