Development of Googlesites-Based Learning Media on Halal Haram Food and Drink Material to Improve Student Discipline in Choosing Halal Food at MTs Satu Atap Tanjungsari Ngawi

  • Sanita Nur Hidayanti IAIN Ponorogo
  • Nur Kolis IAIN Ponorogo


This research is motivated by technological developments in the demands of the 4.0 era generation in the world of education. This is closely related to innovations realized in efficient learning to create quality human resources. One way is by using Googlesites web-based fiqh learning media which can improve the quality of student learning by being able to apply it in everyday life. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of developing Islamic jurisprudence learning media for class VIII, sub-chapter, halal and haram food and drinks. The method used in this research is R&D (Research and Development) with the ADDIE model stages for developing fiqh learning sub-chapter of halal and haram food and drinks based on the Googlesites web. The subjects in this research were class VIII students at MTs Satu AtapTanjungsari Ngawi, totaling 25 students. The results of this research include: 1) The validation test of this product received an interval score of 88.8 reaching the very good category; 2) The practicality test of this product is included in the practical category because it gets an interval value of 76.71; and 3) The results of this product analysis are proven to be effective in improving students' ability to choose halal and haram food and drinks with a significance value of P.Value 0.000.


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How to Cite
HIDAYANTI, Sanita Nur; KOLIS, Nur. Development of Googlesites-Based Learning Media on Halal Haram Food and Drink Material to Improve Student Discipline in Choosing Halal Food at MTs Satu Atap Tanjungsari Ngawi. PISCES : Proceeding of Integrative Science Education Seminar, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 260-270, dec. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.