Implementation of Religious Activities as an Effort to Form Students' Religious Character at Mi Ma'arif Cekok
Technological developments not only have a positive impact on the character of students. Students have disgraceful characters such as violating religious orders, speaking harshly, and hurting others. One of the efforts made by MI Ma’arif Cekok to shape the religious character of students is by using the habituation method of religious activities. The aims of this study are: 1) to find out various religious habits at MI Ma’arif Cekok; 2) to know the influence of the application of habituation to religious activities on the formation of the religious character of students at MI Ma’arif Cekok. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using the Miles & Hubberman interactive model consist of three stages, namely: 1) data reduction; 2) presentation of data; 3) drawing conclusions or verification. MI Ma’arif Cekok has the following religious activities: 1) Dhuha prayer; 2) Tahfidz One Day of One Verse; 3) donations for orphans and poor people; 4) sunnah fasting; 5) reading the book al-Yaum. Dhuha prayers at MI Ma’arif Cekok are held in the congregation every day before teaching and learning activities. Tahfidz at MI Ma’arif Cekok uses the ODOA method, namely memorizing one verse a day. The habit of sunnah fasting is carried out by prohibiting eating and drinking during the fasting day. Al-Yaum subjects are carried out by reading daily prayers after every Duha prayer. The application of religious habituation can shape the character of students including piety, sincerity, honesty, politeness, tolerance, and mutual help. Students with religious character will be able to take advantage of technological developments without abandoning the values morals.
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