Strategies For The Utilization of Productive Zakat Funds For Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Economic Empowerment at BAZNAS BAZIS DKI Jakarta

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Mohammad Syifa Urrosyidin Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup Amanda Rizki Amaliah


National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) BAZIS DKI Jakarta is a zakat management institution established by the government to distribute zakat funds productively. With its various zakat utilization programs, BAZNAS BAZIS DKI Jakarta is able to empower Mustahik’s economy for the better. With the aim of making a Mustahik turn into a Muzakki. One of the strategies is productive zakat utilization through Halal Culinary Bazaar. With the strategy of utilizing zakat through the Halal Culinary Bazaar program. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques through interviews conducted with several BAZNAS BAZIS DKI Jakarta staff and several Mustahik (SME actors) of Halal Culinary Bazaar. Field observations were carried out by directly visiting the BAZNAS BAZIS DKI Jakarta office and Mustahik (SME actor) of Halal Culinary Bazaar. Documentation studies are obtained from previous thesis, thesis and journal research as well as in the form of documents owned by researchers. The study's findings demonstrate that the Halal Culinary Bazaar program implements the zakat utilization strategy through the use of tactics including Mustahik Selection, Business Capital Provision, and Program Assistance. The strategies that were implemented yielded the following results: an increase in Mustahik income, the accuracy of the targets achieved by BAZNAS BAZIS DKI Jakarta in allocating capital to Mustahik who have satisfied the requirements through the Mustahik Selection strategy, and the welfare created by the distribution of zakat in the form of business capital, kiosks, and certain business support equipment. Furthermore, Mustahik's success in using zakat is a result of BAZNAS BAZIS DKI Jakarta's help and monitoring plan, which ensures that the zakat money are dispersed.

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URROSYIDIN, Mohammad Syifa; SUP, Devid Frastiawan Amir; AMALIAH, Amanda Rizki. Strategies For The Utilization of Productive Zakat Funds For Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Economic Empowerment at BAZNAS BAZIS DKI Jakarta. Proceeding of Annual International Conference on Islamic Economics (AICIE), [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 65-77, sep. 2024. ISSN 2963-6116. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025. doi: