Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines AICIE: Annual International Conference on Islamic Economics
- The article has never been published in any media, online or offline
- Writing in Indonesian or English
- The level of similarity does not exceed 20%
- Writing can be in the form of quantitative, qualitative and library research results.
- The theme of the study is authentic and factual related to Economics, Finance and Philanthropy
- The article must contain the title, author's name, affiliation, email, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, method, result and discussion, conclusion, and reference.
- Writing consists of 2500-4000 words, including references. Writing files are saved in.DOC/.DOCX./.RTF or Microsoft Word A4 Calibri (12), Margin: Top 4, Bottom 3, Left 4, and Right 3 formats, and line spacing 1, except the title, affiliation and abstract with single spacing.
- Use the APA system for in-text citations and reference lists
- Use the Mendeley or Zotero app in citing references!
- Include your Whatsapp number in the correspondence email!