Analisis Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala PAUD Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Lembaga

  • Lutfita Rahmawati IAIN Ponorogo
  • Ratna Nila Puspitasari IAIN Ponorogo


Leadership is the pinnacle of control in an organization, with a leader who is able to optimally manage all activities will facilitate the effectiveness and efficiency of all activities carried out together to achieve mutually agreed goals. There are various types or styles of leadership that are usually applied by a leader, ranging from democratic, transactional, transformational and so on. This research is a research literature with the aim of knowing the effect of various types of leadership from various theories and existing journals to find out what types of leadership are able to have an impact on improving the quality of early childhood education institutions. Based on various literature studies and theories, it can be concluded that leaders must have various kinds of characters and styles in leading an organization or institution. However, in order to become a PAUD leader who successfully leads the institution and is able to advance the quality of the institution, the leader must be guided by the 9 keys to successful PAUD leadership, namely: understanding the vision and mission of the institution, being responsible, being the head of PAUD serving, providing an example, focusing on children. , unites all staff into one team, leads by practice, and is flexible in leading.

How to Cite
RAHMAWATI, Lutfita; PUSPITASARI, Ratna Nila. Analisis Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala PAUD Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Lembaga. Prosiding Lokakarya Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini IAIN Ponorogo, [S.l.], v. 1, p. 123-139, jan. 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.