Exclusive breastfeeding is one of the important aspects of supporting cognitive development for young children. Exclusive breastfeeding, namely breastfeeding given from the age of 0-6 months without any other additional food except breast milk. Breast milk contains all the nutrients and nutritional elements that One of the things children need is optimizing children's intelligence. revealed that the relationship between children's intelligence and exclusive breastfeeding occurs because the most rapid growth of brain cells and brain membranes occurs at the age of 0-6 months, but at this age babies are not yet able to digest food completely, while babies need high levels of nutrition, several other research results explained that breast milk nutrition is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of babies up to six months old. The nutrition in breast milk includes almost 200 food elements consisting of; charcoal hydrate, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals in proportional amounts according to the nutritional needs of babies aged 0 6 months. Apart from the perfect and adequate nutrients contained in breast milk, it also contains many hormones that babies need for brain growth both in quantity and quality, Even though this hormone is needed in small quantities, it is essential, so brain growth will not be perfect if there is still a lack of hormones in the supply of nutrients to the brain. Apart from hormones, the nutritional substance galactose is also a vital nutrient for brain growth in babies, while the perfect galactose is the one found in the US womb. With exclusive breastfeeding, it is hoped that children's cognitive development can be achieved optimally, and produce a quality generation.
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