Nutritional status is a person's body condition that reflects the balance between nutritional intake and needs. It is very important to understand the factors that influence a person's nutritional status in order to carry out appropriate interventions. The purpose of writing this article is to 1) find out the factors that influence a person's nutritional status. 2) Know the methods for assessing nutritional status. In writing this article, the author used a research approach in the form of library research. The data sources used by researchers in this case are journal and internet research regarding education in assessing the nutritional status of early childhood. The data that researchers have collected is then analyzed using the content analysis method. The results of this analysis show that: 1) factors that influence a person's nutritional status include food intake, nutrient absorption, body metabolism and physical activity. Unbalanced food intake, such as consuming foods that are low in essential nutrients or high in saturated fat, can cause nutritional deficiencies or excess weight. In addition, medical conditions such as digestive disorders or chronic diseases can also affect the body's absorption of nutrients. 2) Assessment of nutritional status is carried out using various methods, including anthropometric measurements (eg body weight, height, upper arm circumference), laboratory analysis (eg blood tests to measure nutrient levels), and interviews regarding diet and lifestyle.
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