The pattern of improving development in maintaining early childhood health is an improvement in the quality of the younger generation that can be made a priority for a nation and increase good human resources. Early childhood describes the golden period for children to develop and gain learning because this period represents valuable time for a child to identify Various realities in the surrounding area, thus triggering personality, psychomotor, cognitive, and social growth. Implementing health patterns in early childhood certainly has a positive impact on the environment, especially on the family environment, empowerment efforts and improving the ability to behave clean and healthy (PHBS). Orientation in forming (PHBS) in the culture of individuals, families and communities, which aims to improve, maintain, and protect their health both physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. Optimal growth and development of early childhood depends on healthy behaviors carried out. The healthy behaviors observed in this study were eating and drinking behaviors; behavior towards personal hygiene; behavior towards environmental hygiene; behavior towards sickness and disease; Balance behaviors (regular exercise, adequate rest and sleep). Clean and healthy living behavior is behavior carried out by following regulations related to personal health. The main purpose of a clean and healthy lifestyle is to improve health through a gradual awareness process in understanding the process of clean living, the explanation describes a personal position in maintaining clean and healthy living behavior every day This early childhood period also ranges with health problems. In addition, children are also very sensitive to current stimuli, so it is easy to guide and instill positive habits, including clean and healthy living habits. Early childhood learning experiences health problems and must overcome them, this is also the first step for children to start their development gradually. Not only institutions in urban areas that can realize superior clean and healthy living behavior, but school areas also need a variety of complete and modern facilities in implementing PHBS behavior.
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