• Maharani Fadhila Albadi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • M Fathurahman Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo


Curriculum is a learning plan that is about the purpose, content, and materials to teach as well as the method used to guide the implementation of teaching and learning activities in schools to be able to achieve optimal or specific educational goals. Thematic is associating a title or theme with all the development of Early Childhood. thematic learning in the early childhood classroom is an effort to integrate knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and morals of learning for early childhood children, because thematic learning will be able to increase children's creativity. The curriculum should be well organized so that later it will be easy to convey the material to the children. The more technology develops, the easier it will be for a teacher to find information or learning references to teach in early childhood education classes. An ability of Early Childhood Children that is needed in this era is the ability to think critically and can solve problems. In writing this article, the author uses a research approach in the form of library research. A literature review is any effort made by a researcher to gather information related to the topic or problem being researched. This research was carried out by means of in-depth data collection and including information sources. In this case, the data sources used by the researcher are research journals and the internet about health disorders in early childhood. The data that the researcher has collected, then analyzed using the content analysis method.


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How to Cite
FADHILA ALBADI, Maharani; FATHURAHMAN, M. MENGENAL KURIKULUM TEMATIK DAN KURIKULUM TRADISIONAL UNTUK LEMBAGA PAUD. Prosiding Lokakarya Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini IAIN Ponorogo, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 100-111, may 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.