Schools, especially PAUD institutions, not only play a role in delivering material, but also make children and parents aware of the importance of programs to fulfill healthy food and nutrition in early childhood. Fulfillment of healthy food and nutrition is closely related to early childhood education which has coaching efforts aimed at children from birth to six years of age which is carried out through providing educational stimuli to help physical and spiritual growth and development so that children are ready to enter further education. . The purpose of this research is to describe: (1) The effectiveness of "snack time" activities as one of the programs to fulfill healthy food and nutrition for early childhood at the Dharma Wanita PBB Kalimalang Ponorogo Kindergarten, (2) The challenges faced and the role of parents in supporting implementation of the fulfillment of healthy food and nutrition for early childhood at the Dharma Wanita Pertama Kindergarten Kalimalang Ponorogo. This research uses qualitative research methods with the type of case study research. The results obtained from this research are (1) The snack time program implemented by the Kalimalang Dharma Wanita Association Kindergarten institution is deemed to be insufficient to fulfill nutrition and nutrition for early childhood, (2) The challenges faced in this case are budget limitations, difficulty in ensuring variants balanced food, difficulty creating dishes that are healthy and liked by children, and parent education. For this reason, educators try to optimize the role of parents by maximizing communication and cooperation in efforts to provide healthy food and good nutrition for children.
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