Ustaz Abdul Somad Denied Entry to Singapore in Media Frames ( and Framing Analysis)

  • Abdul Jalil Universitas Sebelas Maret


News of Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS) refusal to enter Singapore caused controversy in Indonesia. Online mass media plays a role in build and shaping the perspective and opinion public about incidents. Cybermedia national give enough space many related incidents this. Each medium constructs reality in an incident in accordance with interests and ideologies. This thing is related to protrusion issues raised by the media. Amount the narrative built in the media mentions that incident that is commonplace and as form state sovereignty, but on the other hand, there are comments attitude Singapore government is against with human rights principles and international regulations. Purpose of the study this for analyzes the framing built on the two media about the incident of UAS rejection in Singapore.  The researcher used the method of descriptive qualitative with approach analysis of the framing model of Robert N. Entman in the online media and Research results this show there is a difference in the framing that is built between the two media. framed the incident as attitude Islamophobia, to finally Singapore government refused UAS. In comparison, highlights Singapore's attitude as appropriate for protecting from teachings extremism. This study shows the ideology of each media is very influential in construction news.

How to Cite
JALIL, Abdul. Ustaz Abdul Somad Denied Entry to Singapore in Media Frames ( and Framing Analysis). Proceeding: International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICIS) IAIN Ponorogo, [S.l.], p. 340-356, jan. 2023. ISSN 2656-7229. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi: