The Existence of Terbangan Traditional Art From Ponorogo in the Middle of Popularity of Popular Culture

  • Ririn Nuraini Institut Agama Islam Riyadhotul Mujahidin Ponorogo


Art is part of the elements of culture. Culture itself becomes one of the reinforcements of a history. Thus, art and culture are a holistic unit. Art is created from the creativity and innovation of the community that intersects with the surrounding environment. The synergy of the power of creativity and innovation is then manifested in the form of traditional or modern art. Ponorogo is one of the districts known for its cultural diversity. Terbangan Traditional Art is one of the traditional arts of Ponorogo. In it there is a combination of elements of sound art, lyrics combined with Terbangan wasps. The presence of popular culture supported by information and communication technology is now spreading to all corners of the world. The background of this research is that at this time the Terbangan Traditional Art is one of the traditional arts whose names are fading with the times. About how his existence in society began to be questioned in the midst of the popularity of popular culture. For this reason, researchers are interested in researching the Terbangan Traditional Art. This study aims to determine the way the people of Ponorogo maintain the existence of Terbangan Traditional Art in the midst of the popularity of popular culture. This study uses a qualitative research approach and the type of phenomenological research. In the process of data collection, researchers used in-depth interviews, non-participating observation and documentation. Data analysis in this study used the Miles and Huberman Interactive Model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the ways in which the people of Ponorogo maintain the The results of the study indicate that the values ​​contained in the traditional art of Terbangan so that the community maintains its existence include the values ​​of aqidah, worship, morals and social society; The ways of the Ponorogo people in maintaining the existence of Terbangan Traditional Art in the midst of the popularity of popular culture include: maintaining the authenticity of Terbangan Traditional Art in terms of poetry or lyrics as well as musical instruments; Maintain the values ​​that exist in the Terbangan Traditional Art, including the values ​​of aqidah, worship, morals and social society; Management of funding related to the maintenance of musical instruments obtained from performances as well as attention and financial support from the village government; Carrying out regular exercises and embracing the youth so that they love to learn the Terbangan Traditional Art; Participate in regularly held events such as performances during Grebeg Suro, birthdays in the village or outside the village; As well as the sincerity and solidarity of the community to jointly defend the Terbangan Traditional Art.

How to Cite
NURAINI, Ririn. The Existence of Terbangan Traditional Art From Ponorogo in the Middle of Popularity of Popular Culture. Proceeding: International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICIS) IAIN Ponorogo, [S.l.], p. 307-319, nov. 2022. ISSN 2656-7229. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi: