Instilling Santri’s Spiritual Values in Al-Barokah Islamic Boarding School through Sema'an Al-Qur'an Moloekatan Gus Miek

  • Zahrotun Ni'mah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo
  • Zamzam Mustofa Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo


This study aims to examine the inculcation of religious and spiritual values in Al-Barokah Islamic Boarding School santri through the Sema’an Al-Quran Moloekatan Gus Miek, so that the spirituality of santris is increasing and getting closer to the Khaliq. This study uses a qualitative description method, describing a phenomenon with written words from the source. The method used is a case study, which discusses a phenomenon, namely the cultivation of spiritual values in the Al-Barokah Islamic Boarding School santri through the Sema’an Al-Qur'an Moloekatan Gus Miek, in presenting this research data using documentation, observation, and interview analysis techniques. Data, as well as data presentation in the form of narrative data presentation. The study results indicate that with this Sema’an al-Qur’an Moloekatan Gus Miek activity, the spirituality of Al-Barokah Islamic Boarding School santri is increasing. The santri became more enthusiastic about worshipping, loved the Qur'an, and performed several acts of worship such as congregational prayers, sunnah fasting, and Dzikrul Ghafilin. In addition, they are also trained to have patience, sincerity, and prudence in worship (wara')

How to Cite
NI'MAH, Zahrotun; MUSTOFA, Zamzam. Instilling Santri’s Spiritual Values in Al-Barokah Islamic Boarding School through Sema'an Al-Qur'an Moloekatan Gus Miek. Proceeding: International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICIS) IAIN Ponorogo, [S.l.], p. 275-283, nov. 2022. ISSN 2656-7229. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 jan. 2025. doi: