Analysis of Paylater Transactions and Cashback Coins in the View of Indonesian Law and Islamic Law
The use of the Shopee application in online shopping transactions is increasingly being used, including many Indonesian Muslims who are interested in various promotions from the Shopee application such as Pay later or credit and Cashback Coin or change coins that can be used in transactions. remain selective and careful in transactions. Even though Indonesia has Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions as a legal umbrella protecting shopee paylater user transactions, in its implementation due to the absence of the Personal Data Protection Act, personal data of shopee paylater users is leaking due to credit bills that have not been paid yet. get definite legal protection by the Indonesian state authorities, then another problem is that Islamic law views the use of shopee paylater as haram because of usury as in the Al-Qur'an Surah Ali-Imran verse 130, Al-Baqarah verse 245 which is then reinforced the opini by Hanafi, Syafii Sheikh, Abi Hurairah, Ghofur Anshori, Ustadz Adi Hidayat and Buya Yahya statement, in this and only Cashback Coins in shopee are mubah because they are considered as change or shopping discounts, this research uses normative legal research by conducting a literature study with various library sources such as laws, other supporting literature and institutional surveys, then this research is conducted descriptive qualitative analysis of problems related to Paylater and Cashback Coins in Shopee user transactions.
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