Religious Life, Economy When the Plague of Foot and Mouth Disease Ahead of Eid Al-Adha Sharia Maqashid Perspective

  • Abdul Majid Toyyibi STAI Al Fithrah


The end of the Covid-19 pandemic is a relief for the community because that's when they can breathe fresh air in their activities, both socially, religiously, especially in the economy. However, this is still not fully because Indonesia has been hit by a new outbreak, namely PMK. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach in which researchers conduct direct interviews with informants in order to obtain accurate information so that field data analysis is carried out by taking into account the validity of the data. The thesis argument in this study, namely the life of religion and economics, has resulted in several problems appearing and both are a must because on the other hand, religion itself is a must for those who can afford it and from an economic point of view it is a source of income which is almost 80% increased. before Eid. So it is good that PMK will find a solution when paying attention to the 5 (five) safeguards mentioned in the Sharia maqashid.

How to Cite
TOYYIBI, Abdul Majid. Religious Life, Economy When the Plague of Foot and Mouth Disease Ahead of Eid Al-Adha Sharia Maqashid Perspective. Proceeding: International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICIS) IAIN Ponorogo, [S.l.], p. 99-107, nov. 2022. ISSN 2656-7229. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 jan. 2025. doi: