• Dini Fauziyati


Abstrak: Muhammadiyah has waded through the ark of life for a century, with
tides and ups and downs. Many opportunities as well as challenges are increasingly
pointed, moreover how Muhammadiyah is able to survive until now. The organization
founded by KH. Ahmad Dahlan in 1912, precisely on November 18 (8 Dzuhijah 1330
H) in Yogyakarta, a city called the heart or capital of Javanese culture. It should be
noted that the Muhammadiyah movement at the beginning stood up to face many
problems in the form of people’s refusal to the modern education and health system,
the translation of the Qur’an into Malay or Javanese, the distribution of charities
(zakat maal and zakat fitrah) and the sacrificial meat to the poor. In addition, the antitradition
image in the blood of Muhammadiyah which is considered hard to eradicate
TBC (tahayul, bid’ah, khurafat) like Wahabi is the second generation after KH. Ahmad
Dahlan died in 1923. If Muhammadiyah is that hard, of course, since the temples and
other cultural heritage in Yogyakarta and its surroundings have been burned down.
The fact is that until now the beauty of cultural heritage can still be enjoyed in the past
and even become an icon for domestic and foreign travelers. Because Muhammadiyah
uses cultural propaganda which implies the value of Islam in all dimensions of life
by paying attention to human potential and tendency as cultural beings. Its success
in facing these challenges by not eroding cultural values and then creating a renewal
movement is one of the causes of the existence of Muhammadiyah.

How to Cite
FAUZIYATI, Dini. MUHAMMADIYAH: ISLAM AND LOCAL WISDOM. Proceeding: International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICIS) IAIN Ponorogo, [S.l.], p. 247-265, mar. 2019. ISSN 2656-7229. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi: