Abstract: Of how the community faced or to interpret and entry into Muslim
community. Muslim in Indonesia also vary. Muslim in Indonesia are free to exspress
their happiness to be Muslim. The soul of Indonesian society as art so that the Islam is
the majority religion adopted by the people of Indonesia. In fact many alsa adherents of
Islam in the world but there are different from Islam in Indonesia. That’s the difference
between Muslims in Indonesia and musliam in the world. Yes it is Unique.The process
of entry of Islam in Indonesia is one of the factors of Islamic uniqueness in Indonesia.
Tolerance between people of different religions is very good. Friendly muslim. Local
genius that can be an example embodiment of Islam in Indonesia is collaborated with
religious art that can enchance the closeness with the creator and always grateful for
all his gifts. But the bauty of Islam in Indonesia and its culture now tarnished by the
radical, even extreme, Islamophobia movement.