Peranan Tasawuf Akhlaki dalam Penerapan Hukum Islam (Fiqih)

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Imroatul Munfaridah


Sufism is one of the fields of Islamic studies that focuses on cleansing the spiritual aspects of humans that can lead to noble character. This cleansing of the spiritual aspect is known as the esoteric dimension of the human self. As with moral Sufism which is easy to apply in human life because its approach is more on morals, while the characteristics of moral Sufism are: Based on the Qur'an and Assunnah, continuity between nature and Shari'a, namely the relationship between Sufism (as its inner aspect) and fiqh (as an aspect of birth), is more teaching dualism in the relationship between God and humans. Meanwhile, Islamic law is a set of rules based on the revelation of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet regarding the behavior of Mukallaf humans which are recognized and believed to be valid and binding for all Muslims. In simple terms, it can be said that Islamic law is a law based on Allah's revelation. So that Islamic law according to Ta'rif includes sharia law and fiqh law, because the meaning of syara' and fiqh is contained in it. So that between Sufism, especially moral Sufism, is closely related to Islamic law to apply its teachings in everyday life. Likewise, moral Sufism will provide explanations and help to realize humans in carrying out Islamic law in an obedient and obedient manner to the commands of Allah SWT.

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How to Cite
MUNFARIDAH, Imroatul. Peranan Tasawuf Akhlaki dalam Penerapan Hukum Islam (Fiqih). Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Law, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 74-88, mar. 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 jan. 2025.