Factual Construction of Islamic Religious Education with the Insight of Religious Moderation and Resistance in the Society 5.0 Era in Formal Education Institutions in Indonesia

  • Zeni Murtafiati Mizani IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia


Religious moderation as a project developed by the Ministry of Religion in practice does not just run smoothly. Educational institutions as one of the organizers of education and a long hand in the formation of student values and personality, must be able to adapt to produce graduates who are moderate and tolerant. This study aims to analyze how the real conditions related to Islamic religious education with an insight into religious moderation in educational institutions in Indonesia, and analyze how the resistance is, especially in facing the 5.0 era. This study uses the systematic literature review method using reputable articles and obtained systematically on the Google Scholar database using publish and perish. The results of the manuscript amounted to 9, after being selected with certain inclusion criteria. The results of this study are that the construction of Islamic Religious Education with an insight into religious moderation in formal educational institutions is integrated into the curriculum both in intra-curricular, co curricular, extra-curricular and habituation activities. Islamic Education Institutions facing digitalization in the 5.0 era have great opportunities as well as challenges, namely requiring creativity, the ability to collaborate with each other remotely, the responsibility of respecting differences, building good and focused communication and critical thinking. Scientific integration includes scientific disciplines, thinking paradigms and positive attitudes in science. Moderation aspects include aspects of divine belief, aspects of shari'a (religious moderation) and aspects of thought.

How to Cite
MIZANI, Zeni Murtafiati. Factual Construction of Islamic Religious Education with the Insight of Religious Moderation and Resistance in the Society 5.0 Era in Formal Education Institutions in Indonesia. Proceeding of Annual International Conference on Islamic Education (AICIED), [S.l.], v. 1, p. 195-212, oct. 2023. Available at: <https://prosiding.iainponorogo.ac.id/index.php/aicied/article/view/1207>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.