Correlation of the Application of Problem-Based Learning towards Social Studies Learning Independence

  • Tiksna Apta Samoda IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Risma Dwi Arisona IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia


Social studies learning discusses various real and developing problems in a society. Learning independence can focus on learning activities that are full of responsibility so as to achieve high learning achievement. increasing learning independence, which can be influenced by the application of PBL. This study aims to analyze the correlation between the application of problem-based learning and social studies learning independence for SMPN 4 Ponorogo students. The theory used is the model theory of personal responsibility by Hiemstra. The purpose of this research is to measure correlation using a quantitative approach using the product moment correlation method. Data retrieval using a closed questionnaire model The study respondents were students in grades VII A to E at SMPN 4 Ponorogo who were selected by the random stratification sampling technique. The sample for this study amounted to 114 people. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the application of PBL has a positive correlation with the independence of social studies learning. In this case, the prominent indicators of PBL application are that students are able to present and discuss in front of the class and that students tend to make plans for carrying out schoolwork so that learning objectives can be achieved.

How to Cite
SAMODA, Tiksna Apta; ARISONA, Risma Dwi. Correlation of the Application of Problem-Based Learning towards Social Studies Learning Independence. Proceeding of Annual International Conference on Islamic Education (AICIED), [S.l.], v. 1, p. 156-167, oct. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 jan. 2025.