The Political Role of Khalifah Al-Ma'mun in Developing Islamic Education

  • Bustanul Yuliani IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia


Al-Ma'mun was known as a caliph who really loved knowledge. at the time of Al-Ma'mun Islamic education experienced progress in terms of education certainly not It just came, but was the result of the hard work of the caliph and the Muslims at the time. The Caliph took an active role in science. To find out more, the authors use library research methods. The author wants to know Al Ma'mun's policies regarding education, the development of Islamic education during Al-Ma'mun's time, and the political role of Islamic education in the caliph Al Ma'mun. This paper needs to be discussed, because it provides the development of knowledge, especially the development of Islamic education. Al-Ma'mun's policy in Islamic education is to advance the movement of translators of foreign language books, writing, providing libraries, establishing educational institutions, conducting scientific research and scientific discussion. During the time of Al-Ma'mun education Islam has progressed covering various fields of knowledge, both general science as well as religious knowledge, as well as the development of Islamic educational institutions, such as madrasas, formal schools, and universities in various Islamic cultural centers. During the Abbasid dynasty, led by Al-Ma'mun, religious ideas also colored it political situation in the Islamic world.

How to Cite
YULIANI, Bustanul. The Political Role of Khalifah Al-Ma'mun in Developing Islamic Education. Proceeding of Annual International Conference on Islamic Education (AICIED), [S.l.], v. 1, p. 120-130, oct. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.