Analysis of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability on Area and Circumference Materials in View of Self-Regulated Learning

  • Retno Widyaningrum IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Desi Puri Setyowati IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the mathematical problem- solving abilities of class VI students at SDN Tladan I with high, moderate, and low self-regulated learning. In this study using a qualitative approach to the type of case study. Data collection techniques in research using questionnaires, tests, interviews, and documentation. This study uses data analysis techniques according to Miles and Huberman. The results showed that: (1) Subjects with high self-regulated learning fulfilled the four indicators, namely understanding the problem, making a problem-solving plan, carrying out problem solving, and re-examining the results of problem solving obtained. The subject has a weakness in the indicators of re-examining question number 2, because they are not careful in calculating commas. (2) Subjects with moderate self-regulated learning fulfill three indicators, namely understanding problems, making problem-solving plans, and carrying out problem solving. The subject has a weakness in the indicator of making a problem solving plan for question number 4 because he forgot the formula. (3) Subjects with low self regulated learning fulfill understanding the problem.

How to Cite
WIDYANINGRUM, Retno; SETYOWATI, Desi Puri. Analysis of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability on Area and Circumference Materials in View of Self-Regulated Learning. Proceeding of Annual International Conference on Islamic Education (AICIED), [S.l.], v. 1, p. 72-88, oct. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.