The Relevance of Indonesian Language Subject Objectives to Pancasila Student Profile Dimensions

  • Ayunda Riska Puspita IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia
  • Berlian Pancarrani IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia


The Indonesian language is a compulsory subject in the Kurikulum Merdeka starting from phases A to F. Indonesian language subjects plays an important role to shape student character. The character of students that become the goals in the Kurikulum Merdeka is contained in the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile, namely 1) faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble character, 2) independent, 3) working together, 4) global diversity, 5) critical thinking, and 6) creative. It is hoped that Indonesian Language subjects can facilitate the development of Indonesian language skills and can form students with Pancasila characters. This study aims to describe the relevance of the objectives of the Indonesian language subject with the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile. This research is qualitative research, with the type of literature review research. Literature review is used to review the literature related to the topic and synthesized the relevance of the objectives of the Indonesian language subject with the dimensions of the Pancasila profile. The results of the study show that there is a relevance to the objectives of the Indonesian language subject with the dimensions of the Pancasila profile. This relevance can be used as a preliminary study for teachers to map and develop the students profile of Pancasila in learning Indonesian language.

How to Cite
PUSPITA, Ayunda Riska; PANCARRANI, Berlian. The Relevance of Indonesian Language Subject Objectives to Pancasila Student Profile Dimensions. Proceeding of Annual International Conference on Islamic Education (AICIED), [S.l.], v. 1, p. 50-62, oct. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.